We envision a Carroll County that embraces equity and justice for everyone.
We promote understanding of and raise consciousness about issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion through advocacy, networking, education, positive discourse, local media and collaborative relationships within our community.
Every person is worthy of dignity and respect
Everyone must have a voice
Racism hurts us all
Some people have privilege, while others do not
Identities are intersectional
Community action is essential to achieving justice for everyone
Historical truth informs current action
We must seek and speak truth with compassion, persistence, and courage
"It's not enough to DO equity; we must BE equity." - Baruti K. Kafele
See our Brochure for more about us!
Clip from our 30th year retrospective interview.
CCRE In the MEdia
Collyer: Rejecting the Confederate battle flag (2018)
Locals march to show ‘women matter too’ (2018)
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ seeks to go 'Beyond Confederate Monuments and Racist Relatives' (2017)
Carroll County talks privilege in conference (2017)
Zappardino previews 'What's All This Talk About Privilege' discussion (2017)
Collyer: Let's discuss the idea of privilege (2017)
Carroll County Good Scout of the Year: A Q and A with Virginia Harrison (2015)
St. Paul's United Church of Christ hosts white privilege discussion (2015)
Human Relations Commission award recipients named (2015)
Bartlett honored for service (2014)
Nonprofit conference seeks to open Carroll's closets (2014)
Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality celebrating 20 years (2012)