Kate Sanner, host of Moving Forward, interviews Colonel Edna W. Cummings and Master Sergeant Elizabeth Helm Frazier who discuss the efforts being made to secure the recognition these women so rightfully deserve including the Six Triple Eight Monument, the "Six Triple Eight: No Mail, Low Morale Documentary" and the Six Triple Eight Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019.
The job assigned to the Six Triple Eight was to clear a 2 year back log of mail (over 17 million pieces) in England and in France that was meant to go to service members, Red Cross workers, etc . How they did it in such an efficient and timely way is an amazing story. And as the trailer to the recent documentary says: they did their job while facing racism, sexism, and the Nazis. This battalion of 855 African-American women was disbanded without any recognition or commendation. Guests on the podcast are part of getting these woman the recognition they deserve, including a Congressional Gold Medal.
Read more about the Six Triple Eight and view photographs here: https://www.womenofthe6888th.org/wome-of-courage-tenenacity-strength
-Submitted by CCRE Member, Kate Sanner
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