Join the local NAACP Carroll County Branch #7014 This is an ongoing way to support continuing action in our county
Participate in Carroll One Book Courageous conversations
Participate in Carroll County Coalition of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project to plan community remembrance events for Townsend Cook who was lynched outside Westminster June 2, 1885.
Attend the Resist Rally every Saturday from 1 to 2 pm across from Westminster Library.
This week (today through 6/5) attend the Black Lives Matter Rally beginning at 3 pm each day on East Main Street near Westminster Library.
Antiracism: A Starter Booklist -
Some CCRE member title and material suggestions:
Subscribe to “Medium Daily Digest” or “Code Switch” online
any book by Ta-NeHisi Coates
So, You Want to Talk About Race
Whistling Vivaldi
White Fragility
Sojourners article:
Watch Just Mercy -This month Warner brothers is streaming free of charge via Amazon
Attend Carroll County Board of Education Meetings and speak on support for students of color in our school system (2nd Wednesday of every month at the CCPS Central Office Bldg in Westminster at 5 pm)
Check out the new web portal from Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture: Talking About Race
Talk to your children and students about race and racism:
Raising Race Conscious Children:
We Need Diverse Books:
Encourage middle and high school students to read Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You a by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi and discuss using the educator’s guide:
Write to your representatives at every level of government about your concerns...